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布莱恩 Smentkowski

Professor of 政治科学, Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning






Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
875周界博士., MS 3080

布莱恩Smentkowski is a Professor of political science and Founding Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the bet365亚洲官网. He has previously held tenured and research professor positions in political science at Queens University of Charlotte, Appalachian State University, and Southeast Missouri State University, while also holding academic leadership positions at each institution. 布莱恩’s teaching and research interests include American political institutions, 公法, 选举法, and educational development. He has published extensively in the fields of political science and educational development.

  • Ph.D.: 政治科学, University of Kentucky, 1994
  • MA: 政治科学, University of Kentucky, 1990
  • BA: 政治科学, Marshall University, 1988

  • His current political science research, with Kirby Goidel (Texas A & M) and Craig Freeman (Oklahoma State), focuses on voter suppression and disenfranchisement, public perceptions of slimming practices for voter rolls, the effects of allegations of voter fraud and voter identification laws on voting rights and turnout, and the effect of felon disenfranchisement and voter identification laws on political participation. His current book project is tentatively titled: American Political Culture: From Tocqueville to Trump.
  • His educational development research projects currently include Exit, 的声音, and Loyalty: Implications for Higher Education and Educational Development; A Rational Choice Approach to Teaching, 奖学金, and Service; and A Social Network Analysis of SoTL Communities: Assessing the Legacy and Impact of CASTL.

  • 克鲁兹, Laura, Michele 帕克, 布莱恩Smentkowski, and Marina Smitherman. 2020, Taking Flight: Making Your Center for Teaching and Learning Soar. 笔出版. 
  • Goidel, Kirby, Craig Freeman, and 布莱恩Smentkowski. 2015. Misreading the Bill of Rights: Top Ten Myths Concerning Your Rights and Liberties. Praeger/ ABC-CLIO Publishing.

Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters

  • 克鲁兹, Laura, Karen Huxtable-Jester, 布莱恩Smentkowski, and Martin Springborg. 2021.“Place-based Educational Development:  What Center for Teaching and Learning Spaces Look Like (and Why That Matters)”. To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development.
  • 克鲁兹, Laura, Kathryn Cunningham, 布莱恩Smentkowski, and Hillary Steiner. 2019. “The SoTL Scaffold: Supporting Evidence-Based Teaching Practice in Educational Development,” To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development2019年1月. 第38期第1期.
  • 狄更斯, 克鲁兹, Alderson, Atias, 格雷厄姆, Hurney, 帕克, Smentkowski, Smitherman, 托马斯。, 英超联赛, Vincent-Layton, 和王. 2019. “Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning”, 《365bet中文》第3期.
  • Smentkowski,布莱恩 and Gary Hawkins. 2018. “The One Thing: A Pluralistic Approach to 研究 and Practice” To Improve the Academy: A Journal of Educational Development.
  • Goidel, Kirby, 布莱恩Smentkowski, and Craig Freeman. 2016. “Perceptions of Threat to Religious Liberty”. PS: 政治科学 and Politics. 2016年7月(49.3).
  • Smentkowski,布莱恩. 2014. “Promoting Course-Based Writing in the Discipline” in Ishiyama, Miller, and Simon, eds, Handbook of Teaching and Learning in 政治科学 and International Relations. 埃尔加出版. 
  • Smentkowski,布莱恩, Will Miller, and Jeremy Walling. 2012. “Adding Pieces to the Chess Set: New Players for an Old Game”. In Miller and Walling, eds, Tea Party Effects on the 2010 Senate Elections: Stuck in the Middle to Lose. 列克星敦的书. 


Department of 政治与哲学

205 Administration Building

Department of 政治与哲学
875周界博士ive MS 3165
莫斯科,ID 83844-3165


