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莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)

学生/毕业生: 请安排一个约会 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.




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就业服务实习计划 is an excellent way for students to be immersed in career advocacy and readiness. 每年4月, 主管提名一名表现突出的实习生, 倡议, 年内的领导和影响. During the 2022-2023 school year, two amazing marketing interns won the hearts of our team! 下面是一个两部分的特别节目,以纪念这些不可思议的学生.


玛德琳·克劳斯是bet365亚洲官网的毕业生,拥有学士学位 市场营销, 管理及人力资源, 现代西班牙语商务. She attended U of I between 秋天 2019 and Spring 2023 and was a member of the 泛希腊三角洲伽玛姐妹会. 她目前在Paylocity担任客户经理.

Madeline was a Social Media and 市场营销 Intern at 职业服务 for one year, 从2022年秋季到2023年春季. 在进入伊利诺伊大学之前, she was inspired to follow a path in marketing from her high school’s DECA club, 她将在哪里参加商业和销售活动. “I was really interested in the psychology of marketing things to people... 以及人们为什么买他们做的东西。”她说.

大三时,她在 汪达尔人的解决方案, 学生主导的营销公司, 作为一名社交媒体经理, 后来她被提升为人力资源副总裁. 同时保持位置, Madeline also joined the 职业服务 team in the 秋天 of her senior year.

第一学期之后, 市场营销, 职业服务部门的通讯和网络专员离职了, 让营销团队没有直接主管. 虽然一开始没有领导让我很有压力, 玛德琳把它当作一个成长和尝试新事物的机会.

“我得把这个职位变成我自己的,”她说. “My general job was just creating content to promote 职业服务 [and] share resources [the] 职业服务 has to offer... 我可以在社交媒体上做很多实验,这很有趣.”

玛德琳觉得职位的自由提高了她的技能, 因为几乎没有什么不发布的期望. “我真的很高兴团队给了我这样做的机会,她谈到自己的创作自由时说. “我觉得我的创造力增长了很多.”

在, 后来,她担任了对话总司司长一职, 她是基金会的副主席, 这让她能够策划慈善活动. “经历整个过程是非常值得的, 但协调一切也很有挑战性,”她说。. With her work, Delta Gamma held a week-long philanthropy event to raise $8,000 for charity.

Participating in these positions allowed Madeline to practice her skills in different areas, allowing her experiences to build on one another to make her well-seasoned in her career path. 每件好事都可能有坏处, though—Madeline struggled with balancing her busy schedule amidst her hard work.

Madeline joked that her college planner was her “very best friend” and that she couldn’t go anywhere without it. 她说:“我会把一切都写下来,尽量把事情说清楚。. She also talked about staying present in her commitments and giving them her all, 把干扰和其他期望放在一边.

“我认为在任何时候都做到百分百是不可能的, 但知道什么时候需要它是一项很好的技能,”她说。.

Madeline found a link between working at 职业服务 and being involved in marketing and business. 人际关系和职业发展都是关于推销自己. 而营销是关于销售你的产品.” She said she was able to take what she learned in her marketing classes and apply it to herself, with the help of and sharing an environment with the resources and consultants at 职业服务.

Her position in 职业服务 allowed her to form strong connections with both the team and various people around campus. 她利用我们顾问的知识,与 珍古德温 about her resume and job searching, which she said was “really influential”.

“I feel like [the 职业服务 internship] really enhanced my education by [giving] hands on experience in my field of study,”她说。. “我觉得这不是你在课堂上总能得到的东西.”

Her advice to future Vandals was to take advantage of the opportunities that the University of Idaho provides. “I feel like I was able to have a really good experience in my career field before graduating,她想道。.

我们为玛德琳感到骄傲,我们迫不及待地想知道她会去哪里! We know she is more than capable of success, we’re excited to see where her path takes her.

玛德琳·克劳斯(右)——市场营销学学士, 管理及人力资源, 现代商业语言-西班牙语(2023)


艾迪生汤姆森 is a University of Idaho student pursuing a bachelor's in 广告 与一个 副修哲学,旁边是 社交媒体营销证书. 她从2020年秋季开始就读于我大学,并将于2024年春季毕业. 她也是 三角洲三角洲泛希腊姐妹会 在校园. She currently works at Micael McKenzie Inc Creative as a social media and content manager.

Addison was a 市场营销 and Graphic Design Intern at the 职业服务 for two years, 从2022年秋季到2024年春季. Intrigued by 平面设计, Addison’s passions started in high school after taking classes on it. “我真的很喜欢它,想做一些有创意的事情, 在那里我也可以做一些可能帮助世界的事情,”她说。.

“高中时我参加了很多课外活动——我参加了戏剧表演, 平面设计, 年鉴和报纸,艾迪生说. 对于一个高级项目, 她为一个募捐活动做市场营销和活动策划, 是什么激发了她专门做广告.

在我大学工作了一年之后 阿尔戈号的船员 as a page designer and realizing it wasn’t a fit for her, she went on the job search again. Her position at 职业服务 inspired her particular interest in social media marketing, 从她在办公室工作的第二年开始, 她主要负责Instagram上的营销.

Her work as the Tri Delta Director of Philanthropy inspired a humanitarian outlook on her chosen career field, since she worked closely with the chapter’s philanthropy organization St. 裘德儿童研究医院.

“That really pushed me to pursue [being] more of an advocate [in the] advertising field,”她说。. “我想与非营利组织和小型企业合作, 帮助他们建立自己的品牌,这样他们就不会破产.”

“Working towards doing good in the world and helping people out is something that I really wanted to do. 很多人认为广告是一种非常负面的概念, because they think of it as the big-company commercials that are making millions and millions of dollars and taking away from people—but it can be so much more,”她说。. “I think that my choice to pursue that definitely was influenced by my upbringing as well as working with St. 三三角洲的裘德.”

在就业服务中心, 在她的上司第一年中途离职后, 她认为这是一个学习的机会. 当这个职位在艾迪生的第二年由金赛·沃尔特填补时, 艾迪生很兴奋, 因为她之前曾和金赛一起工作过 bet365亚洲官网广告竞赛团队.

“We came up with great ideas and I ended up getting more into the social media position,”她说。. “只是看到……(文案实习生), 我和金赛, 与一个ll of our different niches and what we were good at was really neat to see.”

“的 camaraderie of the team that I was on… helped me develop my professional skills as well as my personal skills. Being able to work with people and navigating different tasks in a team was [valuable],” she added.

Addison reflected on how working with the 职业服务 allowed her to hone skills she was learning over time, taking the first year of her internship to expand her creativity and her second to apply it to a fresh marketing team and campaign. 她的成长和她学到的东西的价值怎么说都不为过, showing how her time here gave her the skills necessary to enter the workforce prepared, 不仅仅是合格和有灵感.

“I would not be as successful as I am without 职业服务 and all the people in it, 对此我永远感激不尽,她在采访快结束时补充道. 我们为艾迪生和她所做的所有不可思议的工作感到骄傲. 广告界要注意这一点!







莫斯科,ID 83844-2534

秋天 & 春季学期学时:
(从早上8点开始.m. 到5点.m.)

秋天 & 春季学期报到时间:
现场突发事项 — Stop by the Vandal Success Center desk to get started (ISUB 3rd Floor)

(早上7点半开始.m. 到下午4:30.m.)

学生/毕业生: 请安排一个约会 握手时间表.  
校友: 请致电或 电子邮件 办公室安排了一个约会.




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