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产犊时或临近产犊时的死亡损失导致超过3头的死亡.美国每年有500万头小牛. Approximately 45% of this death loss is the result of dystocia or calving difficulty. 通常情况下,这个问题与小腿的不当表现有关. 有可能发现问题,纠正它,并有一个活的小牛.

如果胎儿处于正常分娩的正确位置, 大多数人出生时没有任何问题. The ability to recognize a normal delivery and presentation is just as important as the ability to recognize an abnormal calf presentation and/or delivery.

In a normal delivery, the front feet appear first with the calf’s head coming between the front legs. After the head appears, the rest of the body usually delivers in two to five minutes.

如果小牛呈现在正常位置,通常不需要辅助. 如果产犊开始,没有进展, 重要的是确定问题并提供适当的帮助.

重要的是要完全自信地知道, 什么时候离开奶牛,离开多久,什么时候寻求帮助. If there is no progress in the delivery of the calf after a period of 30 minutes of intense straining, the cow should be examined to determine if the presentation of the calf is normal.

Before examining the cow, carefully wash your hands and arms with a disinfectant soap. 使用塑料套. 此外,还应清洗奶牛的外阴和直肠.

Carefully insert your hand in the vulva to determine the presentation of the calf. If the presentation of the calf is abnormal, it is necessary to correct it or seek help.


  • 只有小牛的尾巴是可见的.
  • 只有小牛的头是可见的.
  • The front legs of the calf protrude past the knees but the nose of the calf is not visible.
  • 小牛的蹄子是上下颠倒的.
  • 你看到的是头和小牛的一条腿.
  • 你看到的不止两英尺.
  • There is no progress in the calving process after 30 minutes of intense straining.
  • The cow quits trying to calve after a short rest period following a period of progress. 正常情况下,休息时间不应超过5至10分钟.

在陈述正确之前,你不应该试图扯犊子. No more than one person should pull on a calf at a time as it is possible to exert enough pressure to break a bone in the leg. 你应该 从来没有 用拖拉机、皮卡或四轮车拉小牛. 通常,耐心和一点润滑剂就足以拉小牛了.

If the presentation of the calf is not correct, it is necessary to adjust it until it is correct. 如果你缺乏正确纠正小腿位置的知识或信心, 向知道如何处理这种情况的人寻求帮助.

When it is necessary to use obstetrical chains top pull a calf, they must be attached correctly. 如果链条使用不当,蹄或腿可能会受损. Obstetrical chains should 从来没有 be attached solely between the hoof and the dewclaw and the hoof. 如果链条只连接在脚掌和蹄子之间, 把蹄子完全扯下来是可能的.

If it is necessary to use a calf puller or calf jack, it is important to use it very carefully. 太大的压力会折断或损伤腿. 如果奶牛站着,压力应该稍微向下. 这将有助于小腿更容易通过骨盆.

Most importantly, if you are not comfortable handling the situation, get help from somebody that is.


饲养健康小牛的过程始于母区. What takes place in maternity is of critical importance due to the effect it can have in the future health of both, 水坝和小牛. It is in this area that we may prevent many subsequent problems that affect the rest of the productive life of the animal, 尤其是小牛. 我们必须记住,在产犊的时候, 牛的免疫系统功能明显下降, 所以她对任何类型的感染都很敏感. 同时, 我们有一头出生时没有抗体的小牛, 对环境中的细菌和病毒非常敏感. The calf only begins to form antibodies against all those pathogens to which the dam was exposed to, 一旦摄入适量的初乳. 出于这个原因, 产妇区, 辅助产犊的设备, 还有小牛的围栏, 必须保持干燥, 清洁消毒.

  • 保护奶牛的健康,防止受伤和感染
  • 活小牛的诞生
  • 确保小象有个健康的开始

问题是,我们如何实现这些目标? 这项工作虽然不容易,但需要四个基本要素. 这些元素是:

  • 细致的观察
  • 足够的耐心和评估
  • 慷慨的润滑
  • 伟大的卫生

如果最后一个元素缺失了, 它损害了所采取的所有其他措施的效力, 包括适当的营养和疫苗接种.

There are various areas of importance where we must continually monitor and maintain sanitation. 其中之一是畜栏, whether they are single maternity pens or communal corrals where close-up cows are housed. The cleanliness and comfortability of the bedding in these pens is very important in the prevention of infections in both the cow and the calf. 如果畜栏里的垫料保持湿润并充满肥料, 在产犊时,像E. 大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌可以感染小牛, and even enter the genital tract of the cows when they come in contact with the contaminated bedding.

每个产犊圈应在每次产犊后清洁并重新填充, 而且群笔每天至少要清洁一次. It is also important to make sure the water troughs are clean and have fresh water. Another area of importance is the sanitation of the equipment used for assisting calving. 本设备每次使用后必须清洗和消毒. 设备通常包括:

  • 小腿杰克
  • 产科链和把手
  • 橡胶手套(一次性)
  • 塑料套(一次性)
  • 不锈钢桶

除了设备的卫生, one must clean the genital area of the cow and tie the tail away from it to prevent infection. 母牛的外阴可用碘皂清洗. This must be done before an evaluation of the calf’s presentation or before assisting a calving. 所有这些步骤对动物的健康都非常重要, 因为良好的卫生是无可替代的.

If we are having problems with the uterine health of fresh cows or the health of calves, 孕产区可能是源头. 显然还有许多其他因素, 比如过渡牛营养和疫苗接种可能是问题的一部分. Nevertheless, evaluating the sanitation and condition of 产妇区 is a good place to start.

  • 例如, 如果我们让小牛在出生后的头五天里淘水, it is very likely they are becoming infected in 产妇区 or in the holding pens.

We must then analyze if there are any factors that are causing a greater challenge to the system and make the appropriate adjustments.

  • 例如, a very important factor in determining how often we should clean the maternity pen is its packing density. 如果这支笔超过容量, 我们冒着更多健康并发症的风险, 我们必须更积极地管理他们.

此外, 我们必须检查一下那个畜栏的牛流量, 换句话说,我们把牛关在围栏里多久(应该少于48小时). 如果动物被关在那里太久, one should try to only move cows to the maternity pen when they are eminently due to calve. It is very important that the bedding in these pens is always dry and clean in order to prevent the overgrowth of bacteria.

这就是为什么, 如果围栏里有更多的牛,或者它们被关在那里的时间更长, 卫生工作变得更具挑战性, 而且必须更频繁地进行. We must also keep in mind that the calf does not only run the risk of infection from contaminated bedding, 也来自于大坝和围栏里的其他奶牛(冠状病毒), 轮状, Leptospirois). 这就是为什么 one should limit the amount of time the calves are left in the maternity pen after birth.

Finally, one must evaluate the pens or hutches where calves are held for drying and await pick up. In these pens calves are commingled, and in many dairies are not properly sanitized.

It is crucial that all these procedures and measures are put together in a written 标准操作程序 产妇区文件. 这包括多久清洗一次钢笔, 何时以及如何移动母牛和小牛, 以及何时以及如何干预产犊. 然而很明显, that these procedures can not be properly executed without a well trained person or crew that is available at all times to take responsibility of this critical area of the dairy.


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