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University of Idaho Extension

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52
606 S Rayburn St.
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Extension
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2338
Moscow, ID 83844-2338

Phone: 208-885-5883

Fax: 208-885-6654


Google Maps

Barbara Petty

Mario de Haro Martí

Mario de Haro-Martí

Extension Educator



Mailing Address

University of Idaho Extension, Gooding County
203 Lucy Lane
Gooding, ID 83330-1178

马里奥致力于帮助爱达荷州的生产者管理和减少他们的牲畜和农业经营对环境的影响,同时提高他们的生产力, sustainability and workforce education.

Ph.D., University of Idaho, 2018
M.S., University of Idaho, 2007

  • Agricultural nutrient and waste management
  • Agricultural air and water quality
  • Dairy and livestock sustainability
  • Dairy production and workforce education
  • Community environmental science education

  • Ferreira, F., M. Rovai, M. Chahine, M.E. de Haro Martí, J. Wenz, J. Dalton, and N. Silva-del-Rio. 2023. COVID-19大流行初期乳业员工的观点:健康风险和教育需求调查. J. Dairy Sci. Communications. 2023; 4:186–190.
  • de Haro-Martí, M.E., H. Sivula, M. Overton, L. Alessa, and A. Kliskey. 2023. 爱达荷州南部小型奶牛场的世代连续性:探索帮助他们保持业务的计划. 农村与社区发展,18(1),51-69.
  • Ammar, H., A.E. Kholif, M. Missaoui, H. Zoabi, S. Ghzayel, M.E. de Haro-Martí, I.A. Molina de Almeida Teixeira, S. Fkiri, M.L. Khouja, M. Fahmy, G.A. Gouda, S. Lopez, and M. Chahine. 2023. Seasonal variation of chemical composition, 泡桐瘤胃发酵及生物学特性:在绵羊和山羊上的体外应用潜力. Fermentation 2023, 9, 210.
  • Williams P., A.A. Kliskey, D. Cronan, E.J. Trammell, M.E. de Haro-Martí and J. Wilson. 2023. Constructing futures, 加强解决方案:利益相关者驱动的气候变化挑战情景开发和系统建模. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1055547.
  • Chen, L., E. Winford, and M. E. de Haro Martí. 2022. 关于温室气体的常见问题解答. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin BUL 1020.  
  • Valldecabres A, J. Wenz, F. C. Ferreira, M. Chahine, J. Dalton, M.E. de Haro Martí, M. Rovai, N. Silva-Del-Río. 2021. Perspective of dairy producers from California, Idaho, South Dakota, 华盛顿:第二波COVID-19大流行对健康和商业的影响. J Dairy Sci. 105 (2) 1788-1796.
  • Ferreira, G., L.L. Martin, C.L. Teets, B.A. Corl, S.L. Hines, G.E. Shewmaker, M.E. de Haro Martí, and M. Chahine. 2021. 干旱胁迫对青贮玉米中性洗涤纤维体外消化率的影响. 畜禽饲料科学技术[j].
  • Klaeui, C., M.E. de Haro Martí, M. Chahine, and G.E. Chibisa. 2020. 改变饲粮中添加沸石(斜沸石)粒度对背景饲牛氮利用和营养物质消化率的影响. Transl. Anim. Sci. 2020.4:S132-S136.
  • de Haro Martí, M.E., W.H. Neibling, L. Chen, and M. Chahine. 2020. 沸石过滤器捕获奶牛粪便冲洗系统中的氨和气味的农场测试. Trans. of the ASABE. 63(3): 597-607.
  • Villamor, G.B., A.D. Kliskey, D.L. Griffith, M.E. de Haro Martí, A.M. Martinez, M. Alfaro, L. Alessa. 2020. 食物-能量-水系统中的景观社会代谢:蛇河上游流域的农业转型. Science of the Total Environment. 705: 135817.
  • Rovai, M., L. Guifarro, M. E. de Haro Martí, and M. Chahine. 2020. 乳品工人如何应对COVID-19的信息(英语和西班牙语).
  • Moore A., M.E. de Haro Martí, and L. Chen. 2015. 对奶牛粪便和堆肥进行养分分析取样. University of Idaho. Bulleting PNW 673.
  • Gray C.W., L. Chen, M.E. de Haro Martí, M. Chahine, and H. Neibling. 2014. Cost of Liquid-Manure Application Systems. University of Idaho. Bulletin BUL 888.
  • Ellis, L., S. Love, M.E. de Haro-Martí, and A. Moore. 2013. 在家庭花园中堆肥和使用后院家禽废物. University of Idaho. Bulletin CIS 1194.

Impact statements

Mario E. de Haro-Martí是古定县的教授和推广教育家. 他在他的专业领域提供多县环境管理教育和应用研究, including livestock waste and nutrient management, air and water quality, livestock production sustainability, agricultural pollution prevention, 乳品生产和乳品劳动力的双语培训. 马里奥的应用研究和教育项目包括改进乳制品堆肥, vermicomposting, 减少畜牧业的废气排放, nutrient and manure management, 帮助畜牧生产者提高生产效率,同时减少对环境的影响. 自2007年夏天以来,他一直在爱达荷州扩展大学工作.

马里奥在科马休国立大学获得了环境研究学士学位, Neuquén, Argentina, 以及bet365亚洲官网环境科学硕士和博士学位. In Argentina, 高中毕业后成为一名化学技师, 他在开始学习商用飞机飞行员时,曾在食品行业担任实验室技术员. 他在大学里攻读学士学位,同时学习高级航空课程. He worked as a commercial airplane pilot, flight instructor, 在高中当了几年兼职代课老师. Later, 他从事工业职业健康与安全工作, 以及不同行业的环境合规顾问, 包括南美洲最大的天然气田. 在bet365亚洲官网获得硕士学位后, he started his job as an Extension educator, 一边攻读博士学位,一边为爱达荷州的乳制品服务, livestock, 以及古定县和魔法谷的相关产业和社区.

他的应用研究包括量化和减少粪便处理过程中的空气排放, improving dairy composting processes and quality, nutrient management and use of manure, sustainability of dairy production, dairy cow and calf feeding, health and nutrient excretion, cover crops and corn silage. 他在bet365亚洲官网的推广项目涵盖了广泛的主题, including manure and nutrient management, composting at the farm and at home, vermicomposting, urban and agricultural recycling, cover crops, community garden, 双语奶牛场工人农场安全培训, immunization, milking, 乳品管理和乳品生产者及其工人要求的许多其他主题.

  • 2022年全国县农业代理商协会杰出服务奖. National Winner.
  • 2022 Health Heroes. Hispanic Coalition and the EXCITE program. Idaho South Central Public Health District.
  • 2020年bet365亚洲官网推广多样性奖, 为西班牙裔社区提供长期服务.
  • Xi Sigma Pi. 国际自然资源荣誉协会. 2018. By invitation only.
  • Gamma Sigma Delta. The Honor Society of Agriculture. 2009. By invitation only.
  • Communication Award - Promotional Piece. National Finalist. 2009. 全国县农业代理商协会.
  • Achievement Award. Western Region Extension Education Poster Winner. 2009. 全国县农业代理商协会.
  • Golden Key International Honour Society. Top 15% of 2007 College graduates. By invitation only.

University of Idaho Extension

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52
606 S Rayburn St.
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Extension
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2338
Moscow, ID 83844-2338

Phone: 208-885-5883

Fax: 208-885-6654


Google Maps

Barbara Petty