College of Law

Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
Admissions: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709


Physical Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Mailing Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176


Inventor Information

Basic Requirements


  1. Be an Idaho individual or small business -如以下资格指引所界定.

  2. Have a qualifying household income -不能超过联邦贫困水平的300% U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For small businesses, see below.

  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the patent system -以成功完成网上考试为证 Certificate Training Course.

  4. Demonstrate proof of invention – not just an idea. To demonstrate an invention, 你应该能够描述你的发明,这样别人才能真正地制造和使用它. 注意:在提交专利申请或至少是专利临时申请之前,不要公开披露您的发明. 公开披露可能会使其成为对自己不利的现有技术, 导致无法获得专利.

Eligibility Guidelines and Limitations 

在开始申请之前,请务必查看以下项目资格指南. Once you submit your application, we will review it and contact you, 要么讨论一些悬而未决的问题,要么帮你联系一位志愿律师. 请注意,你可能会被要求提供收入和符合其他项目资格准则的证明.

Who Can Apply?

Individual Inventors who:

Small businesses that:

  • are Idaho-based businesses;
  • have 4 or fewer inventors, 每个发明人的家庭总收入低于世界卫生组织每年公布的贫困线标准的300% U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;
  • had a total gross income of less than $150,在上一个历年,你的总收入应少于$150,000 in the current calendar year;
  • 目前没有义务转让该发明的权利; 
  • have possession of an actual invention, not just an idea; and
  • have completed the USPTO online training module.

Other Guidelines and Limitations

Past Patenting Efforts

  1. 我们将不接受由其他律师发起的案件的申请.
  2. 我们将不接受部分或全部由其他律师起草的未提交的申请.
  3. Pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.29, 我们将不接受任何申请,如果所列发明人的名字已经在4个以上的以前的美国.S. patents or pending applications. 将以前颁发的一项或多项专利的所有权利转让给前雇主的前雇员有一个有限的例外.

Inventor’s Obligations

  1. 发明者负责所有官方费用. 这些费用包括在提交申请时到期的正式专利申请申请费和在授予专利之前到期的发行费. Other official fees may be included as well.
  2. 发明人必须及时回应律师的所有协助请求(包括提供必要的签名文件)。, 以避免需要向USPTO支付滞纳金. 因发明人答复该请求的时间而需要支付滞纳金的, 发明人必须提前交付费用.
  3. 如果需要绘图来完全理解发明(通常是这种情况), 准备图纸是发明人的责任. 如果需要专业绘图员,则发明人负责任何绘图费用.

Attorney’s Services

  1. 律师将参与起草和归档一份非临时的美国法律文件.S. patent application.*
  2. 律师将在USPTO起诉专利申请,直到(i)对最终办公室诉讼提出回应, or (ii) the application issues as a patent.*
  3. 律师不负责继续检查的请求, appeals, 在法庭上对美国专利商标局的决定提出质疑, prosecution after the events listed in (b), foreign patent applications, international patent applications, or additional U.S. patent applications.
  4. 发明人与代理人之间的协议可以扩大代理人的服务范围, which should be in writing.
  5. 律师将不收取律师费或律师助理费用列出的服务, 但可能需要预付政府申请费等外部成本.
  6. 只有在适用的道德规则允许的情况下,律师才可以退出代理.

*一些志愿律师将只进行新颖性或现有技术搜索.  In those cases, 我们还将尝试为被录取的申请人匹配一名志愿律师,该律师将完成上文第1段和第2段所列的服务.

Inventor Application

  1. Solo Inventor Application
  2. Small Business Application


We do our best to match accepted applicants to volunteers; however, 我们不能保证志愿者最终会同意接手你的事情. 被接受的申请人将免费获得志愿律师服务,但将被要求支付与专利申请相关的费用, 比如政府申请费和起草费用.

College of Law

Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
Admissions: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709


Physical Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Mailing Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176
