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Great Colleges to Work For Survey

Shaping Workplace Excellence at U of I

At U of I, you have the power to shape the university's future. 自2016年以来, 我们与ModernThink合作进行了“最适合工作的大学”调查, which evaluates aspects of the university, 领导, 和流程. The most recent survey, 2023年3月, 展示机构层面的成果,这些成果已在大学领导会议上推出,并通过全校范围的沟通.

Your input matters! 该调查是推动机构、学院和单位水平提高的重要工具. Previous surveys led to positive changes, 包括通过学术印象对主管进行培训, which is training that is still available to all employees and is paid for by the Office of the 教务长; an onboarding system and culture team that has drafted a project plan to roll out this fall; and unit specific improvements such as shifts in working hours to better serve employee well-being and the students they serve.

探索 these transformations and 计划的行动.

2023 Survey Results

该在线调查于3月23日至4月6日进行,总体回复率为, 2023, was 43 percent with 926 employees responding. Overall, positive answers were up from 61% to 63%.

  • U of I response rate – 926/2265 – 43%
  • Faulty response rate – 261/620 – 42%
  • Administrators response rate – 86/145 – 59%
  • Non-Exempt staff – 301/756 – 40%
  • Exempt staff – 321/743 – 43%

Our top three positive thematic areas are:

  • 教师/工作人员 Wellbeing
  • Supervisor/Chair Effectiveness
  • Mission and Pride

Institution-Wide Areas of Improvement

  • Collaboration and Confidence in Senior 领导
  • Professional Development and Performance Management
  • Job Satisfaction and Support


Information from this survey, 包括将2021年收集的数据与今年的结果进行比较, 是否经过检讨,以确定四个需要改善的主题,并计划在未来两年采取行动.


Forty percent (40%) of employees 说有足够的机会参与机构规划. This question is highlighted in the collaboration theme as an area of improvement.

行动: Beginning in Spring 2024, 战略规划委员会将在全校范围内成立,与我们的战略规划顾问合作,为我们的2025-2030战略计划收集数据, including reviewing the vision and values of the university. Here is the timeline for creating the new plan:

  • March 2024 - RFP for consulting firm issued
  • April 2024 – Strategic Planning Council formed
  • May 2024 –Strategic planning consulting firm selected
  • 2024年5月-与战略规划委员会和咨询公司的启动会议
  • June 2024-January 2025 – Strategic planning data analysis, values assessment campus-wide, 和写作
  • 2025年3月——战略计划草案公开征求公众意见
  • April 2025 - Updates to strategic plan
  • 2025 - Launch new strategic plan!

学院、单位和部门将根据大学的战略计划调整他们的计划. Everybody will have an opportunity to participate.


Thirty-seven percent (37%) of employees 说他们的工作得到了公平的报酬,这个问题在 Job Satisfaction and Support theme as an area of needed improvement.

行动: 员工薪酬(CEC)的变化不在大学的控制范围内. 大学倡导尽可能增加爱达荷州的治理结构. And we do our best to maximize our resources.

大学行政领导将继续向爱达荷州立法机构的雇员薪酬变化(CEC)委员会提供证词,以分享有关充分资助CEC的重要性的经验和证据. See the latest written testimony provided by President Scott Green to the committee.

Additionally, the 工作人员 Compensation Committee recommendations are considered by university 领导.


Forty-two percent (42%) of employees 他说,有一种感觉,我们在伊利诺伊大学都是一个团队的. This question is highlighted in the collaboration theme as an area of improvement.

这所大学以如此精简的方式运作,以至于我们无法在基础设施和项目上充分投资. The University of Phoenix affiliation, 一旦完成, will allow for additional investments across campus. The Phoenix working groups, 包括跨员工部门和分类的代表, 是否致力于创建一个有利于学生和员工的合作计划,从而使项目惠及所有人.


Thirty-five percent (35%) of employees 他说,入职过程能让新员工变得更有效率,这是该报告中强调的一个问题 Professional Development theme. Thirty-five percent (35%) of employees said our recognition and awards programs are meaningful to them. This question is highlighted in the Performance Management theme as an area of improvement.

行动: The onboarding implementation team, with university-wide representation, has identified several areas of improvement, including onboarding, excellence awards and longevity service awards.


  1. 为期三个月的入职计划,致力于新员工的适应和文化建设. 每个月都将以队列学习为特色,突出大学和员工支持的一个领域,为汪达尔家族的新成员提供坚实的基础.
  2. 一个新的人力资源和信息技术办公室解决方案,自动化后端入职流程,如新聘信, EPAF applications, and IT access for new employees.


Excellence Awards

教务长办公室简化了提名表格,以提名大学优秀奖的教职员工. 2024年优秀奖的推出是这个周期,包括一个通用表格和新的电子提交. 此外,那些被提名的人现在需要做的工作也减少了.

Longevity Service Awards

整个校园的反馈,最近在大学领导论坛11月6日, 2023, 表示对一项表彰员工五年寿命的年度计划感兴趣, 10, 20, 30, and 40 years of service. A project team is in progress to start this recognition program. Submit your ideas.

Monitoring Next Steps with Campus-Wide Representation


如果你有关于领导或审计委员会的想法要考虑, please contribute your thoughts through the 下面的反馈表格,并成为塑造我们卓越工作场所的一部分.

Submit Your Ideas and 反馈

Physical Address:
General Education and Assessment
Administration, Room 104
Moscow, ID 83844-3152

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3152
Moscow, ID 83844-3152

Phone: 208-885-6448


网络: Assessment and 认证