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莫斯科,ID 83844

875周界博士., MS 3010



网络: 奥拉的网站




注意: New U of I employees and students - All human resources paperwork must be completed prior to working on required compliance trainings.

前参与 在任何以动物为基础的教学或研究项目, 所有员工, students and 志愿者 of the university (for a detailed description of who this describes see the FAQ "Who must be a part...(见下文)填写、签署及递交以下表格:

This program is required in order for the institution to comply with the university’s Assurance Statement with the Public 健康 Service. It helps to ensure that animal workers are not at risk of contracting an animal-related illness due to their exposure to live animals or animal waste while performing university sanctioned activities and their job duties.


所有教师, staff and students who are listed as internal personnel on active IACUC protocols and who come in contact with live or dead animals, 动物的组织或排泄物,作为它们正常工作的结果. 这也适用于动物设施的工作人员,即使他们没有被列入有效的IACUC协议.

动物工作者(如上所述)必须填写“AWMSP”医疗评估同意书" form and the "病史“形式. You send the 病史 form directly to University-contracted medical professional to review the hazards and health history. In some cases, follow up physical exams, vaccinations, or other medical 测试 may be needed. 医疗专业人员将为大学提供一份“适合工作”的评估, 其中可能包括所需的安全措施(e.g. 只能举起20磅,搬运老鼠时必须戴手套等.). The assessment by the medical professional must be received prior to beginning work with animals. 另外, you must complete the appropriate trainings covering the risk factors to which you may be exposed as part of their work with animals, 其中至少包括有关人畜共患疾病的信息, 与你的动物护理职责相关的物理危害和其他危害.

这将基于个人的风险评估. 医疗专业人员将根据危险程度确定频率. Should an individual have a substantial change in the hazards they are handling and/or the animals with which they are working, the IACUC office may determine new surveillance forms are required to be submitted to and reviewed by the medical professional.

The University currently uses Occupational Medicine Associates as its primary resource for review and medical 评价 required for the AWMSP. 由专业人士进行审查, Board-Certified physicians in Occupational and Environmental Medicine allows them to be versed in our program and the hazards associated with animal work and various species at the University, 并允许审查的一致性. 我们不允许您的初级保健医生在这个时候进行初步评估. 你必须使用大学表格, 并按照上述“AWMSP由什么组成”中概述的步骤进行操作?”

员工所在部门负责与医疗检查相关的费用, 评价, 测试, 疫苗接种或其他医疗要求. Any additional expense for personal medical diagnosis and/or treatment of conditions discovered through this medical surveillance program and not directly related to your work with animals is your responsibility.

是的. 你在病史中披露的信息, as well as the results of your medical examination and any tests are confidential and are maintained by the medical provider, consistent with regulatory requirements of confidentiality and privacy associated with such information. 如果您选择通过电子邮件提交病史表, 您自愿提交机密信息的方式是 不完全安全. 然而, the 病史 form provide to the University-contracted medical professionals is used only for review and advice of risks.

No. The only information that the University obtains as a result of AWMSP screenings and 评价s is generic indications of whether or not an employee is fit for duty, and what safety measures may be required to allow the employee to continue to perform the tasks associated with his or her position. 具体医疗信息(e.g. 重量, 血压, 医疗条件, 以及医疗处方)是由医疗提供者保密的.

The AWMSP is a preventive measure used to screen and monitor an employee's health when they will be exposed to a hazardous work environment. This is different than a reactive 评价 and treatment provided in response to a reported workplace injury or illness.

The Confidential 病史 form will still be submitted to the university-approved medical provider for 评价.

如果需要与医疗专业人员进行面对面的随访, an appointment can be scheduled by contacting University of Idaho Student 健康 服务 at 208-885-6693 or your personal physician, 谁负责与大学签约的医疗服务提供者协调.

参加动物接触课程的学生, 志愿者, and other individuals not described in "谁必须是动物工作者医疗监督计划(AWMSP)的一部分??“那些在大学工作中与动物有重大接触的人(例如.g., facilities personnel working in animal facilities and contractors with long term projects remodeling animal facilities) must participate in the training element of the program, 并且可以选择自愿参与其他元素. 必要时, these individuals are provided appropriate personal protective equipment to mitigate risks associated with their animal work.

Third parties (not University employees and not listed as internal personnel on a University IACUC Protocol) who have University-approved access to and contact with animals may provide adequate proof of participation in their home institution’s occupational health and requirements for animal work established through that program; such 评价 and conditions for work must be for species and/or work conditions substantially similar to those at the University. 如果没有文档, 或者不存在类似的程序, the individuals will be treated the same as described in “如果我是一名志愿者或参加动物接触课程的学生怎么办?”

请联系研究保证办公室,电话:208-885-6162或 讨论您的具体要求.



莫斯科,ID 83844

875周界博士., MS 3010



网络: 奥拉的网站
